One of the best ways of building your online presence is to use the World Wide Web which is the only go-to place for people all over the world regardless of age. Even your grandma is already going viral on Tiktok. Here are 5 reasons why your business needs a website in 2024.
If you are an online coach and still figuring out the reasons to convince yourself why you need a website for your business then here are facts to help you decide. Check out the questions below and if you answer YES to the majority of the questions, then today is the best time for you to assemble all resources and start building your website whether by yourself or with a help of an expert.
Every business needs customers and I’m sure your business also does. Could your business be missing out on potential customers because you don’t own a website? If you are slaying Facebook or Instagram, your potential clients would still want to dig in deeper to know you more if you truly is the best person who can fix their problems. How can you possibly showcase your brand on social media, with lots of limitations and rules that you need to abide by?
Surprisingly, more than 36% of small businesses don’t have a website yet. Most small business owners feel that a website is too much to handle and not a necessity since they think their customers are not online. Are you even part of this 36% that is not getting a share of the huge market online?
5 Reasons to Have a Website
As a brand expert, here are my top 5 reasons why I encourage my clients to create their online presence with the help of a well-branded website for their small business. Once again, check if you answer YES to all questions below:
#1 Become discoverable
As an online coach, of course, you want to allow people to find you. Roughly 70-80% of consumers research online before making a purchase according to By this year 2020, there are 20 billion online shoppers. Even if you get 1% of that figure, that is still a big fraction of the pie!
Customers in the digital age are smart shoppers, they do quick research first before considering a purchase. Do you know your ideal client’s behavior? This is actually applicable for both product or service-based businesses.
If you don’t have a website, then how are you able to showcase your services or products to these 1 billion online shoppers? If your customers cannot find you online, then they would definitely go somewhere else whom they can check online. How would you enable them to build that know-like-trust with your business?
If you are in the US and Canada, 88.5% of the population are internet users. This is the ultimate reason why your business should have a presence online. Maximize your reach by using your website. Let them know your story by creating a website that has content that resonates with your clients. Be of help by producing and sharing good free content on your website.
Also, it is a fact that marketing opportunities increase from a “local” audience to a global audience if you have a website. We are talking about the World Wide Web here – GLOBAL reach. Online marketing is also more cost-effective than brick and mortar.
#2 Have your business open 24/7/365
In reality, it is impossible for us humans to be up answering inquiries or promoting our business 24/7. With a well-branded website, you can organize content that has answers to your potential customer’s FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Your customers are probably very busy the whole day and can only do research mostly in the middle of the night.
So take advantage of this and let your website do the hard work for you. Make sure that your website is created to convert your traffic/audience to sales. Don’t just build a website that works as an online catalog. Make sure that when a lead visits your site, that potential customer will be able feel your authenticity and resonate with your story. Check out my previous blog discussing the 5 things that visitors want to see on your website to check the essential parts of the website that you need to focus on.
Yes, it should be pretty but it should be made to convert as well.
#3 Establish trust and credibility
70% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service through content and articles rather than ads. Your website is the best platform where you have full control to showcase your business and testimonials. Unlike if you use other online directories like Yelp for example, you cannot control negative reviews from being posted. However, with your own website, you will be able to showcase only those positive reviews that can outweigh any negative reviews found in third-party sites if ever there are any.
Keep in mind that 55% of people will search online for reviews and recommendations before making a purchase according to If ever you create your website, don’t forget the Testimonials section. This is one of the most essential pages of your website. Go ahead and check out the 5 things that visitors want to see on your website post to understand the essential parts of a website.
If you don’t have a website, it is just plainly saying that your business doesn’t have an address online. Credibility-wise, you don’t appear as a legit business simply because you don’t have an address in this digital age. You only have FB or IG accounts that you don’t even own. What if Facebook or Instagram decides to scrap your account? How would you be able to engage and reach out again your followers again?
There were also speculations that by 2021, just like Pinterest, Facebook would require a Facebook business page to link a business website for further ownership verification of the Facebook Page. Would you risk losing your Facebook page with lots of following just because you can’t link a legit website to it?
Unless you have a website, you can use this to grow your email list. You have full control over what to post and share because there are no third party policies that you need to regard.
#4 Increase your subscriber list
You can offer freebies to your potential clients in exchange for their emails. On social media, you can’t be sure that you are reaching and visible to your ideal audience. It’s uncertain how many followers are actually seeing the content that you share.
As I mentioned, you don’t own your social media accounts so you are just relying on these platforms to show your content to the right audience. Unlike if you have a website, you will be able to capture your leads and grow your email list by creating promotions on-site. That is, you can nurture your leads directly by reaching them straight in their inbox.
Your website, your rules.
#5 Double the ROI
Most small businesses generate 25% of their revenue online. Would you miss 25% more sales because your business doesn’t have a website?
Come to think of it – more than 28% of small business owners have spent less than $500 on a website. You don’t have to spend a fortune on getting a website for your business.
I cannot see any good reason why you should skip getting a website no matter if you are just a newbie in the business or have been in business for years but have not managed to be successful yet. If you want faster growth and want your brand to stand out, then get yourself an address on the world wide web.
You also don’t have to be techy to own or manage a website. Owners are reluctant to own one because they think that they need to learn how to code in order to get one.
There are people, like myself, who help online coaches and small business owners create a branded website without spending a fortune.
In my last blog called Is investing in design worth it, I discussed about how good design can accelerate ROI. Remember that your clients decided to avail of your service because they TRUST you. They were able to have that trust factor through researching about you and your business online. They have learned about you and your business because they have explored every page of your website.
What you need – A Website that Converts
By not having a business website you give the impression that you are no longer in business. It’s like not taking advantage of a good share of clients online given that almost everyone is already lurking online than ever before because we cannot go out or do something else during the pandemic.
Moreover, I am not encouraging you to just DIY your website because it is a necessity for your business. A website that is built to convert is what your business needs. Even if you own one and it is not cohesive with your overall branding then that might do harm than good.
So better spare yourself from the tedious work of building a branded website and consider booking a design day with me. Learn how to leverage your website’s content to get more traffic and skyrocket sales with the power of branding.