Here’s a list of 11 questions you need to ask yourself (if not asked already) before you can build your personal brand and eventually overcome negative impressions in your business.

..because it’s costing you time, money and clients…

But first, know this, building personal branding can help…

– Credibility

– Reputation

– Legacy

– A steady stream of Income

So, in the online world, YOUR first impressions matter. Period.

That being said, you should create a good and lasting impression and avoid negative impressions. That is imperative.

Now, what is the best way to create your personal brand? Simple…answer these questions that are given below:
  • What is your WHY? – Is it to impact the lives of others, to build a community of 10000 people and sell them your book, to become a speaker…or what else.
  • Who else is the reason behind your WHY? – Who do you look up to as a successful brand online in your demographic/industry?
  • What is your value? What problem can you solve?
  • What do you want people to remember about you in your absence? for eg: I want people to remember me as someone young at heart and child-like and compassionate towards everyone.
  • Do you have a mission? Something that is deep inside your soul creating a tingling effect that you want to teach others.
  • Your Values – The key to a healthy business and long – term relations with clients.
  • Your strengths – Describe them using some adjectives or phrases for yourself.
  • Your weakness – This is something you want to NOT stress upon and so you need to become conscious of them and make it a point to avoid them.
  • Your friend’s impressions about you?
  • Who are you serving? Your audience. Have you done enough research about the kind of audience you want to serve?
  • State of mind – This depends on the kind of biz and family circle you have. Every person releases both positive and negative energy. It is for you to decide who or what kind of energy you wish to surround yourself with.

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