Brand your InstaGram for the Holiday Season

Brand your InstaGram for the Holiday Season

How quickly time flies – it’s September! It’s time to brand your InstaGram for the holiday season. Don’t fret, we are still anticipating a Ho… Ho… Ho… from Santa despite the pandemic. And I’m rolling out my Holiday Special Make Over Bundle just...
How to Find Your Signature Brand

How to Find Your Signature Brand

Your signature brand is your brand identity. Your vibe is your signature. It is how people, both your clients and your prospects, perceive your business. However, as a newbie online coach it is undeniable that you tend to make everything on your own. Even if it’s...
Branding VS Marketing

Branding VS Marketing

What exactly is the difference between BRANDING and MARKETING? I completely understand that sometimes it’s really difficult to tell the difference between branding and marketing. It also seems that these terms are increasingly used interchangeably, which...

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